Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Arthonia punctiformis Ach. © by Paul Diederich   Arthonia punctiformis Ach.
« Arthonia punctellaArthonia radiata »
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Arthonia punctiformis – France (Lorr.), Meuse, Marville, 2004, Diederich 15982 – © 2006 by P. Diederich

Syn.: A. populina A. Massal.

On twigs of Acer, Alnus, Carpinus, Fagus and Quercus, in rather open habitats.

Belgium: Mosan: RR, Ard.: R, Lorr.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RR.

France: Boul.: RRR.

Lit.: Boul.: 66, Mü1: 141, NL84: 11, NL92: 149, NL97: 44.

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