Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France
Opegrapha rupestris Pers. |
Lichenicolous, on Bagliettoa and Verrucaria species, especially B. baldensis, B. calciseda, V. muralis and V. nigrescens, mainly on natural, calcareous or sandstone outcrops.
Belgium: Camp.: RRR, Brab.: RR, Mosan: AR.
Luxembourg: Lorr.: R.
France: Mar.: RRR, Lorr.: RR.
Lit.: BDL2: 45 (sub Leciographa monspeliensis), L5: 34 (sub O. saxatilis), NL84: 16 (sub O. parasitica), NL87: 22, Vouaux (1912-14: 491).