Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Botryolepraria lesdainii (Hue) Canals, Hern.-Mariné, Gómez-Bolea & Llimona © by Paul Diederich   Botryolepraria lesdainii (Hue) Canals, Hern.-Mariné, Gómez-Bolea & Llimona

Syn.: Lepraria lesdainii (Hue) R. C. Harris

On sandstone and calcareous rocks, in very shaded, damp, natural and artificial habitats, often in crevices, very rarely on trees (along rivers in shaded forests).

Belgium: Mar.: RRR, Fl.: RR, Camp.: RRR, Brab.: RRR, Mosan: AC, Ard.: R, Lorr.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RRR, Lorr.: AR.

France: Mar.: RRR (type locality), Boul.: RRR, Pic.: RRR, Ard.: RRR, Lorr.: RR.

Lit.: Boul.: 66, Ertz: 18, NL84: 15, NL92: 171, NL93: 45, NL97: 45, Kümmerling & Leuckert (1993: 487), van den Boom & Sérusiaux (1996: 22), Zwaenepoel et al. (1994: 37).

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