Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Micarea denigrata (Fr.) Hedl. © by Paul Diederich   Micarea denigrata (Fr.) Hedl.
« Micarea deminutaMicarea erratica »
see legend below picture
Micarea denigrata – Netherlands, Soerendonk – © 2001 by Norbert Stapper

Syn.: Catillaria synothea auct., non Ach.

On trees, on Calluna or on wood, rarely on decaying mosses, often in ruderal conditions.

Belgium: Fl.: R, Camp.: AR, Brab.: R, Mosan: R, Ard.: R.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RR, Lorr.: RR.

France: Mar.: RRR, Boul.: RR.

Lit.: Boul.: 70, Di: 159-160, L4: 25, Mü1: 144, NL87: 22, NL92: 171, NL93: 45, NL97: 51.

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