Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Thelidium minutulum Körb. © by Paul Diederich   Thelidium minutulum Körb.
« Thelidium incavatumThelidium olivaceum »
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200 µm
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Thelidium minutulum – Luxembourg (Lorr.), Bambësch, on sandstone pebble, 2008, Diederich 16784 – © 2008 by P. Diederich

Syn.: Thelidium acrotellum Arnold,T. mesotropum (Nyl.) A. L. Sm.

On rocks or stones (calcareous, siliceous or sandstone), in humid habitats or in streams.

Belgium: Fl.: RRR, Mosan: RR, Ard.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Lorr.: R.

France: - .

The identity of the specimens from Belgium: Mosan (Neu-Moresnet, NL87: 23) requires further studies; they were collected on contaminated soil in an industrial wasteland.

Lit.: NL87: 23, NL97: 56, Molitor & Diederich (1997: 80-81).

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