Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France
Usnea subfloridana Stirt. |
Syn.: U. comosa (L.) Vain.
On any kind of deciduous trees in forests or in wooded peat bogs, also on roadside trees, exceptionally saxicolous.
Belgium: Mar.: RR, Fl.: RR, Camp.: RRR, Brab.: R, Mosan: AR, Ard.: AC, Lorr.: AR.
Luxembourg: Ard.: AC, Lorr.: AR.
France: Mar.: RRR, Boul.: RRR, Ard.: AR.
Lit.: Boul.: 73, Ca: 128, Ho: 241, 629, La66: 458-459, NL84: 18, WS: 60, 115, Lambinon (1968b: 405).