Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Physcia dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau var. dubia © by Paul Diederich   Physcia dubia (Hoffm.) Lettau var. dubia
« Physcia dimidiataPhyscia dubia var. teretiuscula »
see legend below picture
Physcia dubia var. dubia – Belgium (Camp.), Molenbeersel, 2004, van den Boom – © 2009 by P. van den Boom

Corticolous at the base of roadside trees with an enriched bark (Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, etc.), and saxicolous, on nitrophilous, natural, siliceous or calcareous sandstone rocks, but especially on artificial substrates, like roofs and old walls.

Belgium: Mar.: AR, Fl.: R, Camp.: RR, Brab.: R, Mosan: R, Ard.: AR, Lorr.: R.

Luxembourg: Ard.: AR, Lorr .: AR.

France: - .

Lit.: Ho: 211, Mü1: 158, NL93: 45, WS: 48-49, 96.

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