Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France
Physconia distorta (With.) J. R. Laundon |
Syn.: P. pulverulacea Moberg, P. pulverulenta (Hoffm.) Poelt, Physcia pulverulenta (Hoffm.) Fürnr.
Corticolous on old isolated trees (mainly Fraxinus, Populus, Tilia, Ulmus, rarely Juglans, Quercus, etc.) on roadside, in orchards, pastures or along streams, in rather nitrophilous conditions.
Belgium: Mar.: RR, Fl.: RRR, Camp.: RRR (1920), Brab.: AR→RRR, Mosan: AR, Ard.: AR, Lorr.: AC.
Luxembourg: Ard.: AR, Lorr.: AC.
France: Mar.: RRR, Boul.: R, Pic.: R, Mosan, Ard., Lorr.: AC.
Lit.: Boul.: 72, Ho: 167, 219, 618, La66: 478-479, WS: 53, 105.