Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Porpidia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel & Knoph © by Paul Diederich   Porpidia albocaerulescens (Wulfen) Hertel & Knoph
Porpidia cinereoatra »

Syn.: Lecidea albocaerulescens auct., non (Wulfen) Ach.

On siliceous rocks in sheltered conditions by a river (for the only recent specimen).

Belgium: Ard.: RR (1963).

Luxembourg: - .

France: Ard.: RRR (<1900).

Lit.: L8: 70, Hertel & Knoph (1984: 480), Knoph & Schrüfer (1993: 2-4).

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