Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Psoroglaena stigonemoides (Orange) Henssen © by Paul Diederich   Psoroglaena stigonemoides (Orange) Henssen
« Psoroglaena abscondita
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Psoroglaena stigonemoides – Great Britain – © 2007 by N. Stapper

Syn.: Leucocarpia stigonemoides (Orange) Hafellner & Kalb, Macentina stigonemoides Orange

Corticolous, mainly on Sambucus, also on Hedera and Sorbus, usually near rivers or in sheltered and humid conditions.

Belgium: Brab.: RRR, Mosan: R, Lorr.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RRR, Lorr.: RR.

France: Boul.: RRR.

Lit.: Boul.: 72, L5: 30, NL92: 159, van den Boom & Sérusiaux (1996: 22).

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