Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Cladonia diversa Asperges © by Paul Diederich   Cladonia diversa Asperges
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Note: the name is not validly published, following Art. 30 of the Vienna Code.

On acidic soil, on humus, on sandstone or siliceous rocks, often in Calluna heathlands.

Belgium: Mar.: RRR, Camp.: C (type locality), Brab.: AR, Mosan: R, Ard.: AC-AR, Lorr.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: R.

France: Mosan: RRR, Ard.: RRR.

Lit.: NL92: 152, 169, Schl: 73, 212, Asperges (1983: 358-404), Asperges (1985b), Asperges (1987: 98-100).

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