Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Cladonia phyllophora Hoffm. © by Paul Diederich   Cladonia phyllophora Hoffm.
« Cladonia peziziformisCladonia pleurota »

Syn.: C. degenerans (Flörke) Spreng.

Amongst mosses, over natural, siliceous and sandstone outcrops.

Belgium: Brab.: RRR(†<1850).

Luxembourg: Ard.: RR, Lorr.: RRR (†1891).

France: - .

Lit.: DG: 29, La69: 136, L10: 69, Aigret (1901: 158), Asperges (1990: 131), Diederich (1986a: 119).

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