Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Flavopunctelia flaventior (Stirt.) Hale © by Paul Diederich   Flavopunctelia flaventior (Stirt.) Hale
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Flavopunctelia flaventior – France, Alsace, Rheinebene – © 2005 by Norbert Stapper

Syn.: Parmelia flaventior Stirt., P. andreana Müll. Arg.

Corticolous, mostly found on Malus and Pyrus in orchards, also on Quercus, Tilia and Ulmus in parkland conditions.

Belgium: Mar.: RRR, Brab.: R (E part only), Mosan: AR.

Luxembourg: Distr. unknown: RRR (†<1850).

France: Mosan: RRR (1978).

The species was formerly mainly found in orchards near Liège (Belgium: Brab. and Mosan), but has not been found there since 1966.

Lit.: Ho: 139, 179, 598, L4: 19, La66: 435, Qu: 103, 105-107, Diederich (1986a: 120), Ertz & Duvivier (2006: 49), Lambinon & Parmentier (1960).

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